FTTI methodology in SOTIF world


These days, one interesting topic about FTTI attracts me and that is why this article coming out.

How to set FTTI in ADAS/ADS system, due to many surrounding ADS coming out ?

To answer this problems, we have to considering from following 3 points

First: deviation between functional safety and SOTIF

functional safety assume intended functionality can be accomplished as designed, and only random hardware failure and systematic failure will lead to unreasonable EErisks.

SOTIF focus on all factors might leading to intended functionality operates deviatedfrom designed, which can be divided 4 potential sub-groups:

ZONE1:Not hazardous, known

ZONE2:Hazardous, known

ZONE3:Hazardous, unknown

ZONE4:Not hazardous, unknown

Andwe have total Level0~Level5 of automation definition, combine them and then intofollowing columns:

FIG1:example of SOTIF Zone

Second:FTTI in functional safety

we can see FTTI from functional safety in ISO 26262-2018 Chapter1:

Third:FTTI for SOTIF

Thanks for your reading.

Samuel WENG
