p3 = [] index= int(random.random()*N) beta=0.0 mw=max(w) for i in range(N): beta +=random.random()*2.0*mw while beta>w[index]: beta-=w[index] index=(index+1)%N p3.append(p[index]) p=p3
初始化步骤: 我们从 GPS 输入估计我们的位置。在这个过程中的后续步骤将完善这个估计,以定位我们的车辆
预测步骤: 在预测步骤中,我们添加了所有粒子的控制输入(偏航速度和速度)
粒子权重更新步骤: 在更新步骤中,我们使用地图地标位置和特征的测量更新粒子权重
重采样步骤: 在重采样期间,我们将重采样 m 次(m 是0到 length_of_particleArray的范围)绘制粒子 i (i 是粒子index)与其权重成正比。这一步使用了重采样轮技术。
1. 初始化步骤:
void ParticleFilter::init(double x, double y, double theta, double std[]) { /** * TODO: Set the number of particles. Initialize all particles to * first position (based on estimates of x, y, theta and their uncertainties * from GPS) and all weights to 1. * TODO: Add random Gaussian noise to each particle. * NOTE: Consult particle_filter.h for more information about this method * (and others in this file). */ if (is_initialized) { return; } num_particles = 100; // TODO: Set the number of particle double std_x = std[0]; double std_y = std[1]; double std_theta = std[2]; // Normal distributions normal_distribution dist_x(x, std_x); normal_distribution dist_y(y, std_y); normal_distribution dist_theta(theta, std_theta); // Generate particles with normal distribution with mean on GPS values. for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) { Particle pe; pe.id = i; pe.x = dist_x(gen); pe.y = dist_y(gen); pe.theta = dist_theta(gen); pe.weight = 1.0; particles.push_back(pe); } is_initialized = true; }
for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { if (fabs(yaw_rate) >= 0.00001) { particles[i].x += (velocity / yaw_rate) * (sin(particles[i].theta + yaw_rate * delta_t) - sin(particles[i].theta)); particles[i].y += (velocity / yaw_rate) * (cos(particles[i].theta) - cos(particles[i].theta + yaw_rate * delta_t)); particles[i].theta += yaw_rate * delta_t; } else { particles[i].x += velocity * delta_t * cos(particles[i].theta); particles[i].y += velocity * delta_t * sin(particles[i].theta); } // Add noise particles[i].x += disX(gen); particles[i].y += disY(gen); particles[i].theta += angle_theta(gen); }
3. 更新步骤:
Update Weights
转换 (Transformation)
double x_part, y_part, x_obs, y_obs, theta; double x_map; x_map = x_part + (cos(theta) * x_obs) - (sin(theta) * y_obs); double y_map; y_map = y_part + (sin(theta) * x_obs) + (cos(theta) * y_obs);
联系 (Association )
联系问题是在现实世界中地标测量与物体匹配的问题,如地图地标. 我们的最终目标是为每个粒子找到一个权重参数,这个权重参数代表这个粒子与实际汽车在同一位置的匹配程度。
现在已经将观测值转换为地图的坐标空间,下一步是将每个转换后的观测值与一个地标识符关联起来。在上面的地图练习中,我们总共有5个地标,每个都被确定为 L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,每个都有一个已知的地图位置。我们需要将每个转换观察 TOBS1,TOBS2,TOBS3与这5个识别符之一联系起来。为了做到这一点,我们必须将最接近的地标与每一个转化的观察联系起来。
TOBS1 = (6,3), TOBS2 = (2,2) and TOBS3 = (0,5). OBS1匹配L1,OBS2匹配L2,OBS3匹配L2或者L5(距离相同)。
更新权重 (update weights)
多元-高斯概率密度有两个维度,x 和 y。多元高斯分布的均值是测量的相关地标位置,多元高斯分布的标准差是由我们在 x 和 y 范围内的初始不确定度来描述的。多元-高斯的评估基于转换后的测量位置。多元高斯分布的公式如下。
void ParticleFilter::updateWeights(double sensor_range, double std_landmark[], const vector &observations, const Map &map_landmarks) { /** * TODO: Update the weights of each particle using a mult-variate Gaussian * distribution. You can read more about this distribution here: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_normal_distribution * NOTE: The observations are given in the VEHICLE'S coordinate system. * Your particles are located according to the MAP'S coordinate system. * You will need to transform between the two systems. Keep in mind that * this transformation requires both rotation AND translation (but no scaling). * The following is a good resource for the theory: * https://www.willamette.edu/~gorr/classes/GeneralGraphics/Transforms/transforms2d.htm * and the following is a good resource for the actual equation to implement * (look at equation 3.33) http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node99.html */ double stdRange = std_landmark[0]; double stdBearing = std_landmark[1]; // Each particle for loop for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { double x = particles[i].x; double y = particles[i].y; double theta = particles[i].theta; // double sensor_range_2 = sensor_range * sensor_range; // Create a vector to hold the map landmark locations predicted to be within sensor range of the particle vector validLandmarks; // Each map landmark for loop for (unsigned int j = 0; j < map_landmarks.landmark_list.size(); j++) { float landmarkX = map_landmarks.landmark_list[j].x_f; float landmarkY = map_landmarks.landmark_list[j].y_f; int id = map_landmarks.landmark_list[j].id_i; double dX = x - landmarkX; double dY = y - landmarkY; /*if (dX * dX + dY * dY <= sensor_range_2) { inRangeLandmarks.push_back(LandmarkObs{ id,landmarkX,landmarkY }); }*/ // Only consider landmarks within sensor range of the particle (rather than using the "dist" method considering a circular region around the particle, this considers a rectangular region but is computationally faster) if (fabs(dX) <= sensor_range && fabs(dY) <= sensor_range) { validLandmarks.push_back(LandmarkObs{id, landmarkX, landmarkY}); } } // Create and populate a copy of the list of observations transformed from vehicle coordinates to map coordinates vector transObs; for (int j = 0; j < observations.size(); j++) { double tx = x + cos(theta) * observations[j].x - sin(theta) * observations[j].y; double ty = y + sin(theta) * observations[j].x + cos(theta) * observations[j].y; transObs.push_back(LandmarkObs{observations[j].id, tx, ty}); } // Data association for the predictions and transformed observations on current particle dataAssociation(validLandmarks, transObs); particles[i].weight = 1.0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < transObs.size(); j++) { double observationX = transObs[j].x; double observationY = transObs[j].y; int landmarkId = transObs[j].id; double landmarkX, landmarkY; int k = 0; int nlandmarks = validLandmarks.size(); bool found = false; // x,y coordinates of the prediction associated with the current observation while (!found && k < nlandmarks) { if (validLandmarks[k].id == landmarkId) { found = true; landmarkX = validLandmarks[k].x; landmarkY = validLandmarks[k].y; } k++; } // Weight for this observation with multivariate Gaussian double dX = observationX - landmarkX; double dY = observationY - landmarkY; double weight = (1 / (2 * M_PI * stdRange * stdBearing)) * exp(-(dX * dX / (2 * stdRange * stdRange) + (dY * dY / (2 * stdBearing * stdBearing)))); // Product of this obersvation weight with total observations weight if (weight == 0) { particles[i].weight = particles[i].weight * 0.00001; } else { particles[i].weight = particles[i].weight * weight; } } } }
重新采样步骤 (Resample step)
void ParticleFilter::resample() { /** * TODO: Resample particles with replacement with probability proportional * to their weight. * NOTE: You may find std::discrete_distribution helpful here. * http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random/discrete_distribution */ // Get weights and max weight. vector weights; double maxWeight = numeric_limits::min(); for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { weights.push_back(particles[i].weight); if (particles[i].weight > maxWeight) { maxWeight = particles[i].weight; } } uniform_real_distribution dist_float(0.0, maxWeight); uniform_real_distribution dist_int(0.0, num_particles - 1); int index = dist_int(gen); double beta = 0.0; vector resampledParticles; for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { beta += dist_float(gen) * 2.0; while (beta > weights[index]) { beta -= weights[index]; index = (index + 1) % num_particles; } resampledParticles.push_back(particles[index]); } particles = resampledParticles; }